1,691 research outputs found

    Impactos de las políticas públicas de hábitat en la construcción del espacio urbano: el caso del Área Metropolitana de Tucumán, Argentina

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    En América Latina, la implantación del neoliberalismo como sistema económico ha llevado a un modelo de desarrollo con elevada heterogeneidad y desigualdad socioeconómica. De la mano de grandes cambios sociales y demográficos, las áreas urbanas experimentaron un acelerado desarrollo, crecimiento económico desigual en la distribución del ingreso, el aumento del desempleo y altos niveles de informalidad urbana. Enmarcado en esta realidad la producción del espacio urbano, se llevó adelante a través de la gestión de tres actores sociales: 1.el mercado inmobiliario; 2. el Estado nacional y 3. los asentamientos informales. De ellos, el estado cumple un rol fundamental en la construcción de la ciudad encauzando o restringiendo el desarrollo de ciertos espacios ya sea a través de la acción (implementación de políticas públicas, normativas, etc.) o de la omisión. En un contexto en el que persiste la ausencia de planificación, la carencia de un marco que defina el modo de ocupación del territorio, impone la lógica del mercado inmobiliario como criterio urbanístico principal, incluso para las actuaciones de promoción pública de vivienda. Ello impacta de modo negativo en la ciudad en la medida que favorece la especulación en manos del sector privado, produce segregación residencial y desigualdad en el acceso al suelo puesto que amplios sectores quedan fuera del mercado formal. Lo cual se tradujo en la conformación de áreas diferenciadas dentro de la ciudad agudizando la separación entre sectores sociales. A partir del 2003, en Argentina en virtud al crecimiento económico que se produce con posterioridad a la crisis 2001-2002, el Estado Nacional retomó los planes de vivienda a fin de dar solución al problema habitacional haciendo hincapié en programas de relocalización, radicación y regularización dominial de villas y asentamientos informales, articulando con trabajo cooperativo que implicaba la intervención una medida conjunta con el problema de desocupación. A las existentes políticas habitaciones de construcción de viviendas ejecutadas por los Institutos Provinciales de Vivienda (IPV), se sumaron un conjunto de políticas sociales que articulan programas de diversos órdenes, nacional, municipal, provincial y del IPV. (Argentina Trabaja, Municipio+Cerca, PROMEVI, PROMEBA, etc) enlazando la problemática habitacional a la social. Sin embargo estas medidas no revierten el sentido dominante que poseen las políticas públicas en materia de vivienda (del Río y Duarte, 2012) puesto que la construcción de viviendas sin sustento normativo ni planificación, o la consolidación y regularización de asentamientos populares en áreas vulnerables, lejos de mitigar las desigualdades existentes, producen efectos negativos en la ciudad. En este contexto, este trabajo analiza las consecuencias de las nuevas políticas habitacionales en el Área Metropolitana de Tucumán (AmeT), a casi 10 años de implementación de un conjunto de medidas sociales específicas, en teoría tendientes a la equidistribución del acceso al suelo urbano.In Latin America, the implementation of neoliberalism as an economic system has led to a development model with high heterogeneity and socioeconomic inequality. The adoption of policies of liberalization, deregulation and economic flexibility, along with the withdrawal of the state of urban management, major changes occurred in the cities. In the hands of great social and demographic change, urban areas experienced rapid development, uneven economic growth in the distribution of income, rising unemployment and high levels of urban informality. Framed in this reality, the production of urban space, was carried out by the management of three social actors: 1.The real estate market; 2 and 3 the national state informal settlements. Of these, the state plays a key role in building the city damming or restricting the development of certain areas either through action (implementation of public policies, regulations, etc.) or omission. Therefore, in a context in which the lack of planning continues, the lack of a framework defining how land occupation imposes the logic of urban real estate market as the main criterion, even for actions of public housing development. This impacts negatively on the city to the extent that speculation favors the private sector, produce residential segregation and inequality in access to land as large sections remain outside the formal market. Which results in the formation of distinct areas within the city exacerbating the gap between social sectors. In Argentina, under the economic growth that occurs after the 2001-2002 crisis, the Federal Government returned home plans to solve the housing problem but with a twist to the social, to meet the needs of the most vulnerable sectors of society. From being solely residential construction (turnkey system) executed by the Provincial Housing Institutes (IPV), policies will be passed to a set of social policies that articulate programs of various orders, domestic, municipal, provincial and IPV. (Argentina Works, Municipality + Close, PROMEVI, PROMEBA Law Pierri implementation of regularization, etc.) that link to social housing problems. However, this has not had the expected results in relation to urban problems. While the need for regional planning was promoted through the PET National and Provincial (Regional Strategic Plan), all implemented programs were developed without proper management tools to define the criteria for the consolidation and development from the Federal Government city and thus ended conspiring against it, as a stage of collective life. The lack of training of local technicians, the use of these programs clientelitas purposes by local politicians and rampant corruption, contributed to aggravating the observed trends. This suggests that the construction of new housing or consolidation or regularization of squatter settlements in vulnerable areas without legal justification and planning, far from mitigating the inequalities, negative effects on the city. Under this hypothesis, this paper analyzes the impact of new housing policies in the Metropolitan Area of Tucumán (AMET), nearly 10 years of implementing a set of tending to the equal distribution of access to urban land social measures. It is concluded that the actions taken by the State produced an increase and consolidate the processes of fragmentation and emerging socio-spatial segregation of Tucuman AMET.Peer Reviewe

    Workflow Optimization of World Micro, Inc. Quality Department

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    Our group member Nick is currently an intern at World Micro, which is an electronic components distributor for companies manufacturing a variety of commercial, aerospace and military products. When electrical components are purchased from the open market, they need to be traced back to the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) or have a series of tests performed to verify that the parts are authentic and work. The current process time for World Micro’s quality testing and inspection is not efficient causing long lead times, extra work hours, and extra expenses in outsourcing services

    Los nuevos grados: ¿Pirámide o Torre?

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    De las dos estructuras de conocimiento posibles “pirámide” y “torre”, nuestras escuelas de ingeniería se han decido sin ningún género de duda por la segunda, es decir, aquella que consiste en adquirir un conocimiento especializado desde el inicio para poder llegar a la máxima “altura” posible. Esto constituye un riesgo que, un conocimiento tipo “torre” por su reducida base y elevada altura implica que, una pequeña desviación necesaria para la acomodación del bagaje de conocimientos adquiridos al los nuevos retos profesionales, produciría el “pandeo” y consiguiente colapso de esa estructura. Por el contrario, una estructura piramidal, al tener una amplia base de conocimiento permite la modificación de la situación sin perder estabilidad

    Radical scavenging activity of an inulin-gallic acid graft and its prebiotic effect on Lactobacillus acidophilus in vitro growth

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    Dietary fibre contained in some vegetable food products can be associated with phenolic compounds and therefore exhibits a significant antioxidant activity (Saura-Calixto, Pérez-Jiménez, & Goñi, 2009). This kind of fibre is known as antioxidant dietary fibre (ADF) and because of its polymer structure it could show a considerable prebiotic capacity as well. Some studies have suggested that polyphenols associated with this dietary fibre could be released in the gastrointestinal tract during digestion (Mercado-Mercado et al., 2015). Hence, besides its prebiotic activity ADF could increase the radical scavenging activity of the human gut environment.In order to generate a new antioxidant and prebiotic dietary fibre, gallic acid (GA) was grafted onto native inulin. Inulin-gallic acid (IGA) graft was confirmed by UV and infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The antioxidant activity was evaluated by spectroscopic methods and the prebiotic activity of IGA was determined by In-Vitro growth of Lactobacillus acidophilus. UV spectra show absorbance peaks at 214 and 266–268 nm showing aromatic ring presence in the IGA graft and FT-IR spectra showed a band at 1743 cm 1, confirming the covalent bond between the polymer and GA. GA provides a significant antioxidant capacity to IGA graft. Inulin shows a significant capacity to stimulate the growth of L. acidophilus and GA grafted onto inulin (16.3 mg/g polymer) does not interfere with its prebiotic capacity. It is possible to provide radicalscavenging capacity to inulin-type fructo-oligosaccharides avoiding the decrease of its prebiotic properties, which could extend their potential use as functional foods.CONACYT 37057

    Effects of Bologna, the economic crisis and the immigration in enrollment at the UPM

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    Over the past 20 years, the economic landscape has changed dramatically in Spain, undergoing a growth explosion and a subsequent decline which has led to the current economic crisis. This growth has led to heavy immigration from both developed and developing countries, which provided skilled and unskilled labour. This article aims to analyze the impact of immigrant students at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, pondering the effect that the economic crisis is having and will have on this group, and evaluating the implementation of new plans of Bologna. We analyze the enrolment at the UPM and particularize to the Civil Engineering school (previous EUITOP), crossing with the effect of the economic crisis on foreign students. The exponential increase of foreign students, most of them from Latin American and born in Spain, and students of European countries that have started to register considerably from 2002 and 2003, lead us to consider a renewal in certain areas of learning, and to exploit the possibility of interaction with other countries so successful through the acquisition of transversal skills, as well as to guide and improve, support and integrate these groups at our university Keywords: knowledge, learning, Bologna, academic recor

    Foreigner? Want to study in Spain? The integration process at universities

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    The student exchange programs being carried out at universities for over 50 years, have led to changes in the institutions, which had to adapt to accommodate these students. Despite those changes, the integration of foreign students not coming from the aforementioned exchange programs that come to our country to study at the University has been neglected. These students face many barriers (language, cultural and origin customs mainly), so a clear and detailed information would be highly desirable in order to facilitate the necessary arrangements This study aims to show the deficiencies in the integration process and hosting programs faced by a foreign student at University. The study is performed by means of an analysis of statistical data from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and the Civil Engineering School over the last 12 school years (1999 - 2000 to 2010 - 2011), as well as surveys and interviews with some of these students. The study is enhanced with the analysis of the measures and integration methods of the various minorities, which had been implemented by the foremost public universities in Spain, as well as other public and private universities abroad. It illustrates the existing backlog at the Spanish universities with regards to supporting the integration of diversity among foreign students, providing data concerning the growth of such population and its impact at the university, and on the institutions in particular. In an increasingly globalized world, we must understand and facilitate the integration of minorities at University, supplying them, from the first day, and before the enrollment process, the essential elements that will allow their adequate adaptation to the educational process at University. It concludes by identifying the main subjects that need to be tackled to endorse such integration

    Impactos de las políticas públicas de hábitat en la construcción del espacio urbano: el caso del Área Metropolitana de Tucumán, Argentina

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    En América Latina, la implantación del neoliberalismo como sistema económico ha llevado a un modelo de desarrollo con elevada heterogeneidad y desigualdad socioeconómica. De la mano de grandes cambios sociales y demográficos, las áreas urbanas experimentaron un acelerado desarrollo, crecimiento económico desigual en la distribución del ingreso, el aumento del desempleo y altos niveles de informalidad urbana. Enmarcado en esta realidad la producción del espacio urbano, se llevó adelante a través de la gestión de tres actores sociales: 1.el mercado inmobiliario; 2. el Estado nacional y 3. los asentamientos informales. De ellos, el estado cumple un rol fundamental en la construcción de la ciudad encauzando o restringiendo el desarrollo de ciertos espacios ya sea a través de la acción (implementación de políticas públicas, normativas, etc.) o de la omisión. En un contexto en el que persiste la ausencia de planificación, la carencia de un marco que defina el modo de ocupación del territorio, impone la lógica del mercado inmobiliario como criterio urbanístico principal, incluso para las actuaciones de promoción pública de vivienda. Ello impacta de modo negativo en la ciudad en la medida que favorece la especulación en manos del sector privado, produce segregación residencial y desigualdad en el acceso al suelo puesto que amplios sectores quedan fuera del mercado formal. Lo cual se tradujo en la conformación de áreas diferenciadas dentro de la ciudad agudizando la separación entre sectores sociales. A partir del 2003, en Argentina en virtud al crecimiento económico que se produce con posterioridad a la crisis 2001-2002, el Estado Nacional retomó los planes de vivienda a fin de dar solución al problema habitacional haciendo hincapié en programas de relocalización, radicación y regularización dominial de villas y asentamientos informales, articulando con trabajo cooperativo que implicaba la intervención una medida conjunta con el problema de desocupación. A las existentes políticas habitaciones de construcción de viviendas ejecutadas por los Institutos Provinciales de Vivienda (IPV), se sumaron un conjunto de políticas sociales que articulan programas de diversos órdenes, nacional, municipal, provincial y del IPV. (Argentina Trabaja, Municipio+Cerca, PROMEVI, PROMEBA, etc) enlazando la problemática habitacional a la social. Sin embargo estas medidas no revierten el sentido dominante que poseen las políticas públicas en materia de vivienda (del Río y Duarte, 2012) puesto que la construcción de viviendas sin sustento normativo ni planificación, o la consolidación y regularización de asentamientos populares en áreas vulnerables, lejos de mitigar las desigualdades existentes, producen efectos negativos en la ciudad. En este contexto, este trabajo analiza las consecuencias de las nuevas políticas habitacionales en el Área Metropolitana de Tucumán (AmeT), a casi 10 años de implementación de un conjunto de medidas sociales específicas, en teoría tendientes a la equidistribución del acceso al suelo urbano.In Latin America, the implementation of neoliberalism as an economic system has led to a development model with high heterogeneity and socioeconomic inequality. The adoption of policies of liberalization, deregulation and economic flexibility, along with the withdrawal of the state of urban management, major changes occurred in the cities. In the hands of great social and demographic change, urban areas experienced rapid development, uneven economic growth in the distribution of income, rising unemployment and high levels of urban informality. Framed in this reality, the production of urban space, was carried out by the management of three social actors: 1.The real estate market; 2 and 3 the national state informal settlements. Of these, the state plays a key role in building the city damming or restricting the development of certain areas either through action (implementation of public policies, regulations, etc.) or omission. Therefore, in a context in which the lack of planning continues, the lack of a framework defining how land occupation imposes the logic of urban real estate market as the main criterion, even for actions of public housing development. This impacts negatively on the city to the extent that speculation favors the private sector, produce residential segregation and inequality in access to land as large sections remain outside the formal market. Which results in the formation of distinct areas within the city exacerbating the gap between social sectors. In Argentina, under the economic growth that occurs after the 2001-2002 crisis, the Federal Government returned home plans to solve the housing problem but with a twist to the social, to meet the needs of the most vulnerable sectors of society. From being solely residential construction (turnkey system) executed by the Provincial Housing Institutes (IPV), policies will be passed to a set of social policies that articulate programs of various orders, domestic, municipal, provincial and IPV. (Argentina Works, Municipality + Close, PROMEVI, PROMEBA Law Pierri implementation of regularization, etc.) that link to social housing problems. However, this has not had the expected results in relation to urban problems. While the need for regional planning was promoted through the PET National and Provincial (Regional Strategic Plan), all implemented programs were developed without proper management tools to define the criteria for the consolidation and development from the Federal Government city and thus ended conspiring against it, as a stage of collective life. The lack of training of local technicians, the use of these programs clientelitas purposes by local politicians and rampant corruption, contributed to aggravating the observed trends. This suggests that the construction of new housing or consolidation or regularization of squatter settlements in vulnerable areas without legal justification and planning, far from mitigating the inequalities, negative effects on the city. Under this hypothesis, this paper analyzes the impact of new housing policies in the Metropolitan Area of Tucumán (AMET), nearly 10 years of implementing a set of tending to the equal distribution of access to urban land social measures. It is concluded that the actions taken by the State produced an increase and consolidate the processes of fragmentation and emerging socio-spatial segregation of Tucuman AMET.Peer Reviewe

    Selective production of Dihydroxyacetone and Glyceraldehyde by Photo-assisted Oxidation of Glycerol

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    Glycerol is a by-product during biodiesel production and represents a potential low-cost raw material for obtaining high-cost products like Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) and glyceraldehyde (GCD) amongst others. In this work, Fe-Pillared clay (Fe-PILC) was assessed as catalyst of the selective photo-oxidation of glycerol to obtain DHA and GCD at moderate conditions (298 K and atmospheric pressure). This was conducted in a 100 mL Pyrex glass batch reactor where a Pen-Ray lamp of mercury of 5.5 Watts UV light (UVP) was placed at the centre. The Fe-PILC was prepared by ion exchange. The pillaring was confirmed by XRD, and a 17% w/w of Fe was determined by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. The active phases were established by XPS and found to be FeO and Fe3O4. The specific surface area of the clay (bentonite), determined by N2 physisorption, increased from 34 m2/g to 227 m2/g and the pore volume increased from 0.058 cm3/g to 0.106 cm3/g. The studied variables were catalyst loading and glycerol initial concentration. An experiment with TiO2 Degussa P25 was also performed as reference. It was found that by adding Fe-PILC to the glycerol oxidation system, selectivity towards DHA or GCD can be tuned. A selectivity towards DHA was found to be 87% with 0.1 g/L of Fe-Pillared after 8 h reaction. The in situ production ofH2O2 was observed and therefore concluded that the glycerol oxidation occurs via a Fenton process, i.e. via free radicals.CONAYCT project 269093 UAEM project 437

    Therapeutic effects of telomerase in mice with pulmonary fibrosis induced by damage to the lungs and short telomeres

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    Pulmonary fibrosis is a fatal lung disease characterized by fibrotic foci and inflammatory infiltrates. Short telomeres can impair tissue regeneration and are found both in hereditary and sporadic cases. We show here that telomerase expression using AAV9 vectors shows therapeutic effects in a mouse model of pulmonary fibrosis owing to a low-dose bleomycin insult and short telomeres. AAV9 preferentially targets regenerative alveolar type II cells (ATII). AAV9-Tert-treated mice show improved lung function and lower inflammation and fibrosis at 1-3 weeks after viral treatment, and improvement or disappearance of the fibrosis at 8 weeks after treatment. AAV9-Tert treatment leads to longer telomeres and increased proliferation of ATII cells, as well as lower DNA damage, apoptosis, and senescence. Transcriptome analysis of ATII cells confirms downregulation of fibrosis and inflammation pathways. We provide a proof-of-principle that telomerase activation may represent an effective treatment for pulmonary fibrosis provoked or associated with short telomeres.We are indebted to D Megias for microscopy analysis, to J Mun˜ oz and F Garcı´a for hydroxiproline analysis as well as to CNIO Histopathological Unit. The research was funded by project SAF2013- 45111-R of Societal Changes Programme of the Spanish Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness (MINECO) co-financed through the European Fund of Regional Development (FEDER), Fundacio´n Botı´n and Banco Santander (Santander Universities Global Division) and Roche Extending the Innova- tion Network Program (EIN) Academia Partnering Programme.S

    Growth response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains to stressors associated to the vine cycle

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    Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolates from grapes, soil, vine bark and buds collected at seven phenological stages of an annual growth cycle, were molecular typed by Microsatellite Multiplex PCR. Subsequently 30 S. cerevisiae genotypes were selected and the effect of vineyard environmental stressors, in both sublethal upper and lower levels, on their growth parameters was evaluated. The effect of low and high temperature (7–40 ◦C), pH (2.5–8.0), glucose concentration (3.0–300.0 g/L), nitrogen concentration (0.008–8.0 g/L), and copper presence (24 mg/L) were modelled individually using the reparametrized Gompertz equation. Multivariate ANOVA and Generalized Procrustes Analysis were used to determine the environmental stressor’s influence over the lag phase (λ) and the maximum specific growth rate (μmax). Both parameters were significantly affected by the S. cerevisiae genotype, the treatments, and the interaction between them. Despite a generalized reduction in μmax and a variable answer in λ, the 30 S. cerevisiae genotypes were able to overcome all the treatments. Extreme glucose limitation, copper presence and low temperature had the highest impact over the growth parameters. Interestingly, ten genotypes mostly distributed in the vineyard were the least affected, suggesting a greater acclimatization fitness and the possibility to persist in the changing conditions of the vine annual cycle.EEA MendozaFil: Gonzalez, Magali Lucia Rosa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez, Magali Lucia Rosa. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Valero, Eva. Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Departamento de Biología Molecular e Ingeniería Bioquímica; EspañaFil: Chimeno, Selva Valeria. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Garrido Fernandez, Antonio. Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Departamento de Biotecnología de Alimentos, Instituto de la Grasa (IG); España. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC); EspañaFil: Rodriguez Gomez, Francisco. Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Departamento de Biotecnología de Alimentos, Instituto de la Grasa (IG); España. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC); EspañaFil: Rojo, Cecilia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Rojo, Cecilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Paolinelli, Marcos. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Arroyo Lopez, Francisco Noe. Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Departamento de Biotecnología de Alimentos, Instituto de la Grasa (IG); España. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC); EspañaFil: Combina, Mariana. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Mercado, Laura Analia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Mendoza; Argentin